Express Yourself

About Us

  A comprehensive and diverse Palestinian radio station, Radio Basma, caters to all segments of society, especially the youth, who constitute the largest demographic in Palestine. To illuminate people's everyday interests and provides them with the latest information, developments, and innovations through its varied programs.                                                                                          

Radio Basma stands out for its forward-looking vision and its embrace of technological advancements and social media, producing creative content aimed at development and innovation. Basma's voice reaches all areas of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, as well as Palestinian communities in the 48 areas and Jordan.                                                                 


The official broadcast starts daily at 7:00 a.m. with diverse programs, beginning in the morning period, accompanying employees on their morning journey with entertaining segments, news updates, road issues, and checkpoints. A similar program airs in the afternoon as they return home. Additionally, there are numerous specialized segments covering recreation, music, culture, art, fashion, sports, and health, along with various talk shows, particularly targeting the youth.